Alpha breeding season 6.6.1 debug codes
Alpha breeding season 6.6.1 debug codes

Debug Code Update for 6.3 Published an hour ago npcaffection.(npc name in lower case).(amount) This will change the npc s affection to the designated amount. Adding the same trait multiple times to a monster will increase the stack (adding Too Stronk twice will give the monster Too Stronk 2, etc) Example: Stronk will add the Too Stronk trait to all monsters named Debbie.

alpha breeding season 6.6.1 debug codes alpha breeding season 6.6.1 debug codes

Debug Code Update for Hotfix 6.1.1 Published addenergy.(energy amount) Gives you energy, adding over 10000 will cause problems Example: addenergy.1000 will give you 1000 energy addtrait.(Monster name).(Trait name) Adds a trait to all monsters with the designated name, make sure to include spaces in the trait name.

Alpha breeding season 6.6.1 debug codes